Summary of Question
QUESTION: Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of $51,314,000 to finance, in whole or in part, the design, construction and other costs of the following transportation improvements: Crosstrail Boulevard Segment C (Sycolin Road to Dulles Greenway), a roundabout at Route 15 and Braddock Road, a roundabout at Route 50 and Everfield Drive, Route 7 Improvements Phase 2 (Route 7 & Route 690 Interchange), Route 7 Improvements Phase 3 (Route 9 & Dulles Greenway, Segment 2), an overpass across Sterling Boulevard at the W&OD Trail, and the costs of other public road and transportation projects approved in the County's Capital Improvement Program?