Summary of Question
Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of $152,585,000 to finance, in whole or in part, the costs to design and construct Braddock Road (Route 659 to Royal Hunter); the costs to design and construct segments of Crosstrail Boulevard; the costs to design and construct improvements to Evergreen Mills Road (Northstar to Stone Springs); the costs to design and construct improvements to Farmwell Road (Smith Switch to Ashburn Road); the costs to design and construct Intersection Improvements throughout the County; the costs to design and construct Prentice Drive; the costs to design and construct a Route 9/Route 287 Roundabout; the costs to design and construct Route 50 Corridor Improvements; and the costs of other public road and transportation projects approved in the County’s Capital Improvement Program?