Year | Q # | Question | Type | Locality/District | Results | ||||||||||||
1990 | 1 | Shall the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize lower tax rates on personal property belonging to persons sixty-five and older, or permanently and totally disabled, in defined cases?See Details » | Constitutional Amendment | Statewide |
1990 | 2 | Shall the provision in the Constitution of Virginia pertaining to the Literary Fund be amended so that proceeds from property seized and forfeited to the Commonwealth for drug law violations can be used to promote law enforcement?See Details » | Referendum | Statewide |
1990 | 3 | Shall the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize a new category of local debt for transportation purposes which would be secured by pledged local tax revenues, subject to limits on the amount of the debt, and exempt from county voter approval requirements and municipal debts limits?See Details » | Constitutional Amendment | Statewide |
1990 | 4 | Shall the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize a new category of state debt for transportation purposes which would be secured by pledged tax revenues, subject to limits on the amount of the debt, and not require voter approval?See Details » | Constitutional Amendment | Statewide |